Availability statement: Center for Yiddish Culture
Jewish Theater of Estera Rachel and Ida Kamińska the Center for Yiddish Culture undertakes to ensure the availability of the website of the Center for Yiddish Culture in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The accessibility statement applies to the Center for Yiddish Culture's website.
Website www.jidyszland.pl
Website publication date: 2020-05-17
Date of last significant update: 2020-05-17
Status in terms of compliance with the law
The website is partially compliant with the Act on Digital Accessibility of Public Entities' Websites and Mobile Applications due to the non-compliance or exclusions listed below.
Unavailable content:
Some graphic elements may not have supplemented alternative text (alt).
Preparation of the declaration on accessibility
The declaration was prepared on: 2021-01-01
The declaration was last reviewed and updated on: 2021-02-01
The declaration was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment.
Feedback and contact details
Katarzyna Markusz is responsible for considering comments and requests.
E-mail: promocja@jidysz.org.pl
Everyone has the right to:
• submit comments regarding the digital accessibility of the website or its element,
• submit a request to ensure the digital availability of the website or its element,
• request unavailable information in another alternative form.
The request must include:
• contact details of the reporting person,
• indication of the page or page element to which the request relates,
• indication of a convenient form of providing information, if the request concerns the provision of unavailable information in an alternative form.
The application should be considered immediately, within 7 days at the latest. If it is not possible to ensure access within this period or to provide access in an alternative form, it should take place no later than 2 months from the date of notification.
Complaints and appeals
You can file a complaint against the failure to meet these deadlines and the refusal to fulfill the request to the supervisory authority by post or e-mail to the following address:
Supervisory Authority:
Jewish Theater of Estera Rachel and Ida Kaminska
Address: ul. Senatorska 35, 00-099 Warsaw
E-mail: sekretariat@teatr-zydowski.art.pl
Phone: 22 526 20 15
A complaint may also be submitted to the Ombudsman.
Architectural accessibility
Entrance to the building at 15 Andersa Street does not require climbing stairs, but there are two thresholds that may make it difficult for people in wheelchairs to enter. Inside, lecture rooms and a toilet are located on the ground floor with easy access for all. The offices are located on the first floor, where it is not possible to enter for a person in a wheelchair. We declare help in getting into the building - on the right side of the door there is a bell that can be used to summon the porter. Disabled people can participate in classes held at the CKJ headquarters due to the appropriate space for wheelchairs. In order to provide adequate support, please contact the CKJ Office in advance, then we will try to adapt the space for visitors as far as possible.
• Nearest bus stops:
Muranów 03 (Swietojerska Street), Zamenhofa 02 (Nowolipki Street)
• Nearest tram stops:
Muranów 05 and 06 (Andersa Street)
• Nearest metro stations:
Metro Ratusz Arsenał (approx. 850m), Metro Dworzec Gdański (approx. 1.3km)